“I was maimed by love.”
“I blame Janis Joplin.”
“Let’s get another round.”
“You buy? I’m short.”“You’re short an ear-lobe. Go ahead.”
“You remember Woodstock?”
“The music festival? Vaguely. I was maybe ten.”
“I was there. I was seventeen.”
“Almost a man.”
“And Janis Joplin maimed you?”
“Not personally. It was a dentist’s daughter from Tennessee. We were in the mud, in the dark, three o’clock Sunday morning, Joplin on stage. When she climaxed, so did we.”
“And you mean the girl…”
“And then?”
“I think she swallowed it.”
I wrote this story for the 100 Word Challenge #338 at Velvet Verbosity.
is it wrong of me that I am chuckling? Poor guy.
No, I don’t think it’s wrong of you. Consider the title, which raises some doubt about the guy’s story.
Omigod, this was hilarious! Brilliantly executed.