Fellowes, carrying orders for the 3rd Division, stood in the sandy track, clutching the dispatch case against his side like a talisman. Across the field, smoke rose from a distant blue tree-line.
Small groups of men moved about the field. Fellowes started toward one group. All around him, dark shapes lay in the stubble. He avoided looking at them. He couldn’t avoid smelling them.
His way was blocked by a silent tangle of men and horses. At his feet was a kepi with a sky-blue clover leaf on its top.
Fellowes let out his breath.
He’d found the 3rd Division.
I wrote this story for the 100 Word Challenge #380 at Velvet Verbosity.
I really like that, makes me want to do a military history story again soon.
part of a bigger piece? nicely done.
It could be part of something longer, but if so, I haven’t written it yet!